What dose the gay flag look like

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These activists worked to change the perception that homosexuals were deviant through presenting themselves as “respectable” members of society. Silent homophile activists adhered to formal dress codes -dresses for women, jackets and ties for men- while picketing outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia for gay rights. Before there was Stonewall, there was the Annual Reminder. The debate over the meaning and role of Pride Parades is older than the Parade itself. Pride is taking a breath to live in the moment – joyous, unapologetic, and taking up space in a world that says we should not exist. Pride is honouring our roots, commemorating our wins, and imagining queer possibilities of the future. Pride is both protest and party, critical and celebratory. We hear what Pride means to you throughout the year – whether it be through the appreciation sent after an event, a response to a controversial stance, or conversation about our plans for the future.

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As Pride organizers, we know more than anyone that there is no one answer.

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